Pigeons and Pigeon Control
Columba livia or Pigeons will nest and roost on any structure that provides reasonble shelter for the season. In the fall, winter, and spring, pigeons will seek shelter from the elements. In the summer, pigeons will nest on uncovered ledges. Pigeons are opportunists and adapt to just about any environment that offers food and water. A warm season allows the birds to reproduce rapidly.
Pigeons will not go to far from food and water and will become completely oblivious to humans. Pigeons will gravitate to overpasses and bridges, which provide shelter and typically easy access to food and water in non-rural areas.
The best way to relocate pigeons is by using an electric barrier. A truelly professional electric barrier company will treat why the pigeons are there, and thus relocate the pigeons efficiently. The electric barrier will not harm the birds, it will just move them on to a friendly environment.
The best electric barriers use stainless steel wires up off the surface, these last the longest, are less expensive, and over time wear much better aesthetically. A professionally installed and designed electric bird barrier will last 15 to 25 years before refurbishing is necessary on the connecting wires with a pvc coating. Much of the electric barrier may last much longer.
Electric barriers that sit on top of a plastic track will arc and burn when they get dirty and may have to be replaced. Initially, these plastic shock tracks are very aesthetically pleasing, yet over the long term become impractical as UV fades the colors unevenly causing color clash combined with arc burn and debris puddling to degrade the aesthetics considerably. For short term use or out of the sun and rain, plastic shock tracks are good. Plastic shock tracks should never be used near sea spray or road salt spray, the tracks will arc and burn immediately. Plastic shock tracks will last up to 15 years, usually about 5 to 10 years with a maintenance contract.
Spikes work good for perching only on narrow ledges less than 3 inches, yet they are ugly and unprofessional. Why an architect or building manager would destroy their building’s design with such defacing materials seems strange, especially when this is the do it yourself choice. Thus, spikes are not a professional choice unless you want to look low rent. Spikes are easy to get, your local bug buster can do this for you.
Nets will work good, yet are very expensive and obstruct workers from access. The best nets last 5 to 10 years before holes emerge and the nets blow in the wind or hang down on customers.
Over the long run, an electric bird fence or electric barrier is the best way to control pigeons. An electric bird barrier that is air insulated like electicity should be will last longer and work better for less money than any other bird control product most of the time.
Pigeons will excrement in their nests and are very dirty birds, despite seeming very friendly. Pigeons may carry many diseases. Columba livia is the genus and species taxanomic name for the pigeons we see in the United States.